Recognising and accepting that you have an eating disorder and that you need help can be very difficult.

It is ok if you are struggling with this part of your journey, you are not alone, many people experience this ambivalence also. What is important is that you give yourself the time and space to reflect and think about what is really going on for you. Eating disorders are very manipulative illnesses and can trick the person in many ways making them believe things such as, they are not really sick, they do not have a problem, other people are worse off or they are not the right weight to have an eating disorder. It can be very confusing. You are not alone however. If you are reading this and are in any way worried, please contact us and we will try our best to support you. Recovery is possible and treatment is available. 

Recovery is a journey. A complex and multi-directional journey and is often described as two steps forward and three steps back. That is ok, that is part of the learning, part of the growing and part of the journey in building resilience against the destructive voices of the eating disorder.  Recovery takes time, it takes patience, it takes courage, it takes strength, it takes commitment and above all perhaps, recovery takes self-compassion, self-love, self-kindness and an ability to recognise and believe that YOU, do not deserve a life stuck in the torturous and destructive grips of an eating disorder. That is not a life, struggling with an eating disorder is not a life, it is a mere existence. 

You deserve more.

Reach out for the help and the support that you need and that you deserve. You do not need to do the journey alone. Call our helpline on 02890235959 for further support, or check our events pages for details on support groups.

The Eating Disorders Association is here to support you in your journey to recovery. 

Reach out. 

Recovery is always possible.

Recovery from an eating disorder is ALWAYS possible. While recovery from an eating disorder is no easy task, you CAN recover from an eating disorder.