Eating Disorders Association (N.I.) welcomes the publication of the latest NICE standard on eating disorder treatment and care.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recently published a new standard for the treatment and care of people with eating disorders.
The document can be viewed here:
The new guidance sets out the below 6 statements for best practice for people affected by eating disorders:
Statement 1
People with suspected eating disorders who are referred to an eating disorder service start assessment and treatment within 4 weeks for children and young people or a locally agreed timeframe for adults.
Statement 2
People with eating disorders have a discussion with a healthcare professional about their options for psychological treatment.
Statement 3
People with binge eating disorder participate in a guided self-help programme as first-line psychological treatment.
Statement 4
Children and young people with bulimia nervosa are offered bulimia-nervosa-focused family therapy (FT-BN).
Statement 5
People with eating disorders who are being supported by more than one service have a care plan that explains how the services will work together.
Statement 6
People with eating disorders who are moving between services have their risks assessed.
Eating Disorders Association (N.I.) welcomes this publication and the recognition it gives to the importance of early intervention, timely access to care and indeed integrated care. We call for all those with influence to ensure that these standards and indeed previous evidence based findings are put into practice immediately, so as to allow all those that are affected by an eating disorder to receive the care and support that they need and deserve.