Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2022 (EDAW2022) took place from the 28th of February to the 6th March.
EDA NI chose the theme 'Children and Young People' for EDAW2022, in order to honour raise awareness of the challenges faced by children, young people, parents, siblings, teachers and all those who care for children with eating disorders in Northern Ireland. This theme was also selected to hour Children's Mental Health Week, which fell on the same dates.
To highlight the theme, EDA NI offered specific support groups for students attending college or university in Northern Ireland. The charity also offered targeted training events, delivering the awareness training programme to Ulster University's Mind Your Mood student group and Education Outside of School (EOTAS). Staff also attended Bangor Academy's health and wellbeing fair. Additionally, the EDA NI team also ran a social media campaign targeted towards children, young people, families and carers. This saw a 386% and 202% increase in our Facebook and Instagram reach respectively, as well as a 900% increase in our Twitter impressions. We were especially grateful for a message from Mental Health Champion, Professor Siobhan O'Neill, who highlighted the work of her office and the importance of EDAW.
Thank you to all who took part in EDAW2022. If you're in need of peer-led, eating disorder/disordered eating support or training then please get in touch via our helpline (028 9023 5959), email ( or through the Contact Us page of our website.
Recovery is always possible
- The EDA NI team